To Pay by Check
In purchasing single items by check*, send the following amounts made payable to Catch the Current Publishing, P.O. Box 1685, Santa Monica, CA 90406-1685.
The “And” Principle - $15.95 + $5.00 S/H = $20.95 total
Protecting the Diamond (CD) - $15.95 + $5.00 S/H = $20.95 total
Protecting the Diamond (Audio Cassette) - $9.95 + $4.50 S/H = $14.45 total
Kiam - $15.95 + $5.00 S/H = $20.95 total
* The 15% discount for purchasing The “And” Principle and Protecting the Diamond is not available for purchases by check.
Free Shipping
There is free shipping for all purchases over $25 (This offer does not apply to purchases that include Kiam). Send a check for the amount of the items plus 8.75% California sale tax. Within Los Angeles City and County, the sales tax is 8.75%. Outside these areas and within California the sales tax is 7.25%. Outside California there is no California sales tax.
Volume Discounts
For The “And” Principle, Protecting the Diamond (CD), and Protecting the Diamond (Audio Cassette), there is a 10% discount for purchasing 3-5 of each item and a 15% discount for purchasing 6-20 of each item. After taking the discount, please add the California sales tax. For all other volume discounts, please call 310-302-1186.
For all other volume discounts, including discounts for Kiam, please call 310-302-1186.